Due to technical reasons you need to place a separate order for each de-registration request!Please be aware that a product license consists of a full version and all its related updates/upgrades/crossgrades. If you sell a license, make sure that you sell the full version with all related upgrades/upgrades/crossgrades; otherwise the new owner will not be able to authorize the product. Updates/upgrades/crossgrades licenses must be sold together with the initial versions they are updated from. All serial numbers are part of the same license and inseparable.If you cannot find an old version in the dropdown list, please chose the latest available version of the product.After the sale and confirmed de-registration, please forward your license to your buyer / new owner!Please make it obvious when selling the license that it is an original license, where the manufacturer has agreed to a license transfer.
Chris Hein Horns Serial Number
Does the library show up in the library pane inside Kontakt? If it does, then it has to be auth'ed. If it doesn't show up as a library in Kontakt and requires the full version of Kontakt then you are fine. Some Kontakt instruments do a serial number request as part of the instrument (home brew copy protection). I didn't think East West did that though, but it's certainly possible. 2ff7e9595c