The "Age of Apocalypse" (Earth-295) incarnation of Betsy Braddock was created by Akira Yoshida and Chris Bachalo. She is an Asian ninja (wearing a mask), though no explanation is given as to the circumstances of her ethnicity. She possesses the ability to generate psychic blades (an ability that the Earth-616 Betsy Braddock only manifested after switching bodies with Kwannon) that can affect physical matter as well as living beings. She frees the captured X-Men and has a brief reunion with Logan, for whom she bears an obvious grudge.[249] Betsy later battles Dagger, defeating her quickly, and uses her psychic blades to counteract the brainwashing of some of the X-Men; first on Jean, who is released from Mr. Sinister's influence, and then on Kirika, which allows the young mutant to remember that Logan and Mariko Yashida are her parents. At the end of the series, Betsy and the other Japanese members of the X-Men (Sunfire, Kirika, and Silver Samurai) depart for Clan Yashida's refugee colony in New Japan.[250]
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